1. Laser therapy: This treatment works with light that allows the hair to receive more nutrients, thus making the hair stronger; this is what the creators discuss as laser technology.
Prices vary, so you might as well start with an extensive research now! After some time, you will most likely reach the best option. If you’ve tried many treatments and none seem to work, maybe it is time to schedule a consultation to find out about hair transplants.
2. Transplants: They are the most expensive ones and what experts do is they do transplant a few hairs in the area where you lack hair. They spot the area where the problem is severe. Its advantage is that there is no waiting time to see results as in the other treatments, but also, it is much more expensive than other treatments.
3. Hair Massage: Although they are among the cheapest options, they do not display much help to restore the hair, and one of the problems is that they have to be made in a specialist clinic but as with all businesses, that clinic may not be as professional as we would like, so the effectiveness may be reduced or we may not see any change. The price depends on the country, region and clinic.
4. Minoxidil: This treatment is considered the most effective. Its disadvantage is that it must be used regularly for several months and is used by applying 2 times a day in the affected area. There are two types of minoxidil: 5% and 2% concentration solutions. The different concentrations are intended for different users; the former is for hair loss in men, the latter in women.
Rates of treatment for 1 month vary so try to negotiate at all times, especially if a professional is involved. If you browse enough, you will be able to find hair regrowth products with FDA clearance. One important recommendation is that if you buy any products to battle hair loss or if you go for transplantation, verify that it is approved by the government institution that oversees the products used for medicinal purposes. In the case of United States, it is the FDA (Food and Drug Administration); Mexico is Secretariat of Health; Australia is TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration); and the United Kingdom is MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency), among others. Check if those devices, products, or treatment modes for hair loss are licensed and tested, so you do not put your health at risk. If you make the purchase by the free market, you can ask the seller for government approvals on a hair product, sometimes denoted as FDA approved. And this you can check through the many sources online too.
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